What is
Own my life?
The Own My Life course was first piloted with women in 2019. Using a train-the-trainer model, we equip female practitioners across the UK and Ireland to run the course with women who have been subjected to abuse. The course uses multimedia content to explain complex concepts about trauma and abuse in easy to understand video clips, along with videos which evidence how popular culture reinforces or perpetuates sexism, rape culture, violence, misogyny, disrespect in relationships, and abusive behaviour.
We realised that many practitioners could benefit from accessing the videos to:
1. Increase their own knowledge.
2. Use when delivering training, lectures or other education sessions.
3. Support one-to-one work with those they work with.
We also wanted to make the materials available to male and non-binary practitioners. We have developed Own My Life: Discovery to do this! Welcome aboard!
Own My Life Course aims
To educate and empower women who have been subjected to abuse to regain ownership of their own lives.
To equip and resource practitioners with the most up to date research and understanding about male violence.
To provide a replicable, easy to use resource for working with women.